“I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2000. Since this diagnosis, I have grounded myself in conservative evidenced-based therapy and disease modifying therapy of Avonex. My baseline consisted mostly of irritating symptoms including numbness and tingling in feet and hands, neuropathic pain to feet. I walked 5-7 miles per shift as an Emergency room Nurse.
In July of 2009, I experienced a different and more severe relapse and exacerbation of my MS. Finally, in March of 2011 I was severely depressed and shared with my wife that I did not think I would be employed for very much longer. I estimated 6 months and said I needed to start looking into disability. For about 3 months a few times per week, I tried to rehabilitate. I noticed only slight improvements.
I met with Dr. Sokolovas in late March, 2011. I am sure that I offended her with my skepticism and all of my suspicious questions about how the therapy worked or had any therapeutic benefits. I had never heard about this type of neuromuscular stimulation used in rehabilitation. She encouraged me to try with my first consult visit. Since beginning Vibration therapy, I have little to no muscle fasiculations, my pain remains controlled, less muscle spasm, increase flexibility, 40% ease of gate, 80% reduction in pain, better mood and thinking, and more energy. My days are still difficult, and I still deal with the aforementioned symptoms. However, they are much less severe and well controlled. I am not severely depressed any longer and I have hope, something that was all but gone in my life. I am thankful for the quality of life that this therapy has restored for myself and my family.
As a clinician and patient, I admire Dr. Sokolovas for her knowledge and skill in treating many different types of patients with different and unique rehabilitation needs. I am indebted to Advanced Therapy and Dr. Sokolovas for all that they have done for my continued efforts at optimizing my health and wellness. It is my hope that others will find Advanced Therapy and the healing this therapy provides.”